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Regain power
over your life!

L'AFSFC-VS est là pour vous soutenir, vous faire bouger et rencontrer des gens qui comprennent votre réalité.  Elle vous offre une gamme d'activités gratuites.  Il suffit de vous abonner pour seulement 20$ annuellement.  Cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous pour voir le calendrier de nos activités et pour vous abonner.  Au plaisir de vous rencontrer et d'échanger avec vous. 


The Board of Directors

Our board of directors is formed at the annual general meeting of the members. The administrators are appointed for a term of two years. If you are interested in taking part on the board, you are required to be a member of the AFSFC-VS and to present yourself at the next annual general meeting.



Our board of directors for 2021-2022

President:            Anna Maria Westcott

Vice-president:  Karine Duquette

Treasurer:            Stephanie Avakian

Secretary:           Johanne Loiselle

Administrator:    Marie-Pierre Cliche

Director:              Chantal Bergeron



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History and mission

In March 2004, three people from Vaudreuil-Soulanges were trying to find help after being diagnosed with fibromyalgia, unfortunately nothing was available. To palliate to the need, they created a support group and quickly realizing that there was a greater need within the community, it became imperative to create an association. The Association de fibromyalgie et du syndrome de fatigue chronique de Vaudreuil-Soulanges (AFSFC-VS) was then founded on March 15th, 2005.


The AFSFC-VS is an independant community organization whose mission is to inform, reassure and support its members in order to allow them to regain power over their lives and to raise awareness among the general public and health professionals.

Cliquez sur l'icône pour accéder à notre page Facebook

Organization supported and funded by:

Prochainement, pour nos membres:

Inscription aux activités d'hiver en cours (aquafibro, yoga restaurateur, dessin, mouvement conscient et anti-stress, ...)  | la session débute le 13 janvier

Conférence sur le deuil blanc | date à confirmer

Activité pour briser l'isolement | la prochaine en février



 1 855 377-0600   

Centre de femmes
La Moisson 

514 453-8720 


Le Tournant centre de crise

1 833 371-4090


© 2015-2021 Association of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome of Vaudreuil-Soulanges. All rights reserved.

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